
Belief is the third book of the Ricepaper Magazine series which I’ve worked on with the Asian Canadian Writers Workshop. This book contains over twenty writers of Asian diaspora writing about immigration, lives as first generation Canadians along with the hopes and dreams while living in a new country. Joy Kogawa shares her lessons learned in life, Jim Wong-Chu’s poem describes what the first Chinese railway workers would have thought about Christmas, Garry Eggkent writes about the first Eggroll in Thibeault Falls and how upset people were about it. In the Afterwards section I share a piece, “Save a Life, Stop Being Asian!” with some advice on seeking help when there is a health crisis. It was written shortly after my father’s death and it is a reflection of things we could have done differently as a family.

For more about the book and media interviews, click here:

To listen to author interviews on the Artsy Raven podcast, check out the podcast page.

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