
Immersion, an Asian speculative fiction anthology of fifteen stories which I edited with Allan Cho and William Tham is out! Two years in the making, we’ve spent a lot of blood, sweat and tears on this project. The stories range from glimpses into loving relationships (with mermaids, grandparents, etc) to science fiction (using fish slime for fashion) to horror (supernatural beasts and an artist painting in blood). When we started the project we didn’t know what would come in the door. All we knew was we wanted to offer a chance to authors to send in the fantastic and surprise us! Towards the end we also did a cover re-haul and it looks completely different from before!


Immerse yourself in unexpected worlds.

Your janitors are secretly part of an underground society. Craigslist shamans are available for shape shifters. Hopping corpses terrorize a small town while an aging samurai embarks on his final quest. These are just a glimpse of the fantastic scenes within the pages of this book. Journey to places where your understanding of reality is inverted in this new speculative fiction anthology featuring fifteen stories by Asian writers from the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop and Dark Helix Press.

This is Volume #2 of Ricepaper Magazine Books, a collection of anthologies featuring Asian literary works.

To purchase visit Dark Helix Press’ site:


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