Please unsubscribe, it’s ok!

Photo by Bella White on

Hi all, haven’t posted in a while, have been busy with life and travelling. Recently I went to Hong Kong to visit a 95-year-old relative and Seoul (because my cousin told me she wanted to go since we watch so many K-dramas). Will write a post in the future about the adventures we had while abroad. Toronto is such a quiet city compared to Hong Kong and Seoul. There’s barely any traffic or people here compared to there!

I haven’t been on social media very much since the beginning of the year and it’s been ok. The world didn’t end and I had time to do other things like travel and catch up on reading.

Recently, I discovered the email service I was using wasn’t sending out emails to everyone on my list which was about 1,600 emails. It was only emailing out 400 people. So I switched to a different service and found that after sending out a newsletter, 100 people unsubscribed. Fantastic! I say this because email services charge per number of emails on your list. Only people who want to get the newsletter should get it and I can avoid paying for extra emails. One person didn’t know how to unsubscribed and asked for manual deletion which was fine, learned how to do that today too!

Right now I’ve editing my 57th episode of the Artsy Raven podcast. The 56th episode will come out tomorrow, hope you get a chance to listen, it’s such a pleasure to listen to people read their words. The sun, is out, hope you all have a chance to go outside to bast in the sun a bit!